I concur with everything Stonecutter pointed out. Champions are great for challenges, another reason why Life is a great lore for the Slann, that...
Extremely unofficial, but as discussed: 25) Q: Can other characters join Chakax and his unit of Temple Guard (besides the Slann), the unit is...
The quote that hdctambien provided has always been the guide that I have used for application of spell effects (such as LM High Magic lore...
Absolutely. The existing wording is ambiguous and until a clarification is provided by an Errata or FAQ, it will remain an outstanding issue.
I concur with Pinktaco above. Please note that the qualification of the rule are only met by opposing models that are in base contact with a...
My first game with the new 8th Ed. LM book I brought a unit of swarms just to make use of the "They're Everywhere" rule. It ended up making the...
That arcanadon model from the Lustria campaign book was one that I was in love with. I don't think White Dwarf ever included an article that...
Rulebook Wishlisting: 1. Corrections/clarifications to the rulebook as included in the 8th Ed. FAQ and other general language cleanup. 2. More...
I concur with you on every point, Pofadder. Preach on! I don't know if WE High/Dark Magic Lore attributes are effected by Drain Magic like the...
Using only 8th Edition rules (BRB & LM RB) to answer those quoted questions, the same conclusions would easily be made on all of them....
That's why the question persists. The Life and Shadow attributes do not have ongoing effects (their results still have lingering game effects,...
This all lies in a gray area. According to the BRB (pg. 491) lore attributes are special rules that apply effects when spells are cast from its...
I believe the rules support your interpretation of the rule. There is no duration associated with the Drain Magic Spell (like many augment/hexes...
A previous FAQ said exactly the opposite than the above quote...when that previous FAQ came out it had large ramifications. Thankfully it was...
Well it does take some effort...or else you end up with no overrun against daemons/undead that die as result of instable/crumble...or have...
I concur with hdctambien. And I always ask my opponent the question once I am within 8" of a possible fanatic holding unit, and then continue to...
1) Agreed. 2) Agreed. 3) The -1 to-hit modifier applies when shooting multiple shots with the Giant Blowpipes. 4) Use the highest initiative for...
I always play it that the OTS doesn't come into effect in these situations unless specific models are hit. Meaning: 1) If a unit of 30 SW with...
Re: Okkam's Mindrazor - affect armor saves? The FAQ (technically Errata) changed it to apply to armour saves too. The year-old FAQ/Errata v1.8...
1) The building does hold the entire unit (including characters). The BRB rules say that only 5 models may shoot PER FLOOR, Ondjage is playing a...