By the rule as written, the additional attacks granted by the rule only apply to models in the front rank. Please see the discussion that was...
I didn't think your tone was malicious at all, tektekboom. Forum posts are not a clear medium to discuss rules and you have to clearly explain...
Agreed. Striking does not include impact hits. Typically impact hits do not include weapon bonuses (such as a strength bonus) unless otherwise...
I believe the reason people say it is debatable is due to the answer given here: The implication being that special rules given by magic weapons...
I would LOVE it if you guys could produce something akin to this:
That's what I wanted to happen with the original post in this thread, but it didn't happen. :depressed:...
General consensus is Hand-weapon & shield > Spears. But there isn't a definitive, black-and-white answer. Lots of scenarios make spears optimal....
The Wyrm is basically a dragon with a different name and lower WS/T/Ld.
The trial rules from the Lost Valley of the Carnosaurs, are somewhat thematic, but not competitive. No Lords or Heros. Armywide rules:...
Re: Debating 2 armylists for upcoming 2400pt LARGE Tournamen Thank you all for your input! A few quick responses: 1) Both my Stegadons already...
List 1: Slann w/ BSB, Wandering Deliberations, Harmonic Convergence, Channeling Staff Scar-Vet w/ LA, Shield, Egg of Quango Skin Priest w/ lvl 1,...
FYI, here is an old thread with some spawning ideas for the 7th Ed.:...
I have played the Warhammer Battlefields: Lustria Campaign that was recently made available. I really enjoyed it and thought it is definitely...
He meant S4 (not S6) on the second set of attacks. Not a terrible idea (I like that you're thinking outside the box!), but I'm still not a big...
Re: Premature 9th speculations On warseer, I've heard both sides of the coin (2014 or 2015 for 9th Ed.). I have no idea when it'll come, but you...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it Slightly off topic here: Reading on the AoW forum, I didn't understand if this model you made was intended...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it I really like what you did around the eyes there. It really adds a lot to how you view the monster's demeanor!
I think the reason here is that the existing kit only comes with spears (and a few hand weapon options). IMHO the best 'fix' would be to make...
Made several edits to the OP to correct wording and added references as requested. Obviously there are issues with answering Questions #37 and...
I'd love to see this come to this forum (it has been used in other Warhammer forums to varying success). I look forward to seeing this added!...