What a day. But I may get out all of these contrast paints I've been collecting and actually paint up a test Saurus Knight with them to see how it...
I'm going to unpack from my game yesterday and write a battle report. After dinner.
Just got back from this game, which I won when my opponent conceded halfway through the third battle round. I'll put up a more complete battle...
I'm going to finish building a Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur then build terrain all dang day.
I got all my Knights built and primed (finished last night). Tonight I'm going to try to get as much of a Scar-Vet on Carnie built as I can....
In case you haven't seen it. Pretty wild stuff....
On the subject of Gotrek, I've seen various theory-crafted lists using him floating around ye olde webs, and I could have sworn one of them listed...
Eh, never mind, found it! Cheers!
Just to be clear, "behemoth" and "battleline" are not keywords, but battlefield roles. Even though stegadons lose the battlefield role, they still...
Rule 27.3.1 in the new Core Rules states that "[e]nhancements cannot be given to Unique units..." But, all is not lost. Because Allegiance...
I am now just concentrating on getting everything built for my game Sunday. I still need to build two Saurus Knight icon bearers and seven Saurus...
She's built like a track cyclist.
I just built my first model in two years! Saurus Alpha Knight. Now another one of those guys, then three drummers, three icon bearers, and seven...
This is what happens when I decide to pretend like I know the rules! ;)
Despite the great joy I take in the Genestealer Cults (I just love they way they look and all their industrial models--though of course I just...
That's an even big box than I recall Warcry being. I bet there'll be a hefty price tag on that sucker. I'll probably wait and just buy the...
Today's Warhammer 40K preview featured a whole lot of cool stuff. The new Kill Team looks great (like a sci version of Warcry, hah), and all those...
Take a look at rule 25.4 Points Value in the Core Rules. "If you take a reinforced unit, double the points values of the unit. If you take a unit...
Look forward to them!