I've never used allies in 2.0 though I understand some of the stronger tournament lists sometimes had Stormcast hero allied in (this was before...
Now THAT sounds like something I want to try!
I transport all my large models with sticky out bits wrapped in bubble wrap in short comics boxes. And I still have trouble. It seems like the...
What do you mean by free? As battle lines, yes, you can reinforce them twice, but you have to pay the points for three units.
I repaired my Bastilodon with Solar Engine as best as I was able to. It got knocked off a table at a local tournament a couple of years ago and...
This is probably because I'm busting a deadline but I actually had a stress dream about this contest last night! I was at a convention somewhere...
I'm pretty sure that they were in previous editions of the General's Handbook, but in the Pitched Battle Profiles 2021 the Battlefield Role column...
I have to turn my attention to other things for the next couple of weeks before my first “practice” game on Sunday, July 18th. So I’m calling this...
I'm going to try this one more time then I'm out, so I suppose by the rules of this forum, you'll "win," and will merrily go about your way trying...
You have provided no evidence that double negatives resolve to or even imply a positive in English. You said that they do. You've gone to a great...
We are in agreement on one point. I can't tell whether or not you've ceded my original point, as you continue to make arguments which support the...
Yeah, that's what I've come around to believing as well. Really, it makes sense.
That engine is bound for Pellucidar.
No doubt! If I can just get the army built and primed by the 18th I'll be more or less satisfied. All of it together may well take me 'til winter.
Dreaming the impossible dream here. I have a one-on-one "get to know the system" Age of Sigmar 3.0 game with a friend on July 18th then I'm...
Given that the Cambridge Dictionary citation you provided says exactly what I said--that it is frowned upon in formal usage--I don't see your...
I have been a professional writer for over twenty years. I have Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English. What you've stated there simply isn't...