Thanks so much!
Thanks! I corrected the Stegadon with Skink Chief points and dropped one of the Skink Priests and now come in at 1,950, which I'm pretty sure will...
I asked a question about this in the Rules forum yesterday (I think) but now I’m getting down to business. Before the game day I’m hosting on...
Do y'all think if I ally in the Ghur Battlemage from Cities of Sigmar that my opponents will buck over giving him the +1 to casting rolls the...
Actually, my confusion came from the fact that I thought Reinforcement was only available to Battleline units. Rereading Rule 25.3.2 cleared that up.
The subject line says it all, I'm going to be pitting my Seraphon army against the Ossiarch Bonereapers soon (so I'm super glad to see @Killer...
You know, one of the players coming to my initial 3.0 Game Day runs Ossiarch Bonereapers so this is so very helpful. Thanks again! Quick...
I had thought there was language in the FAQ documents that explicitly says that the latest FAQ at Warhammer Community was the one in place and all...
This was just great! Thank you so much! And congratulations!
And it's a great one so far! I'm going to continue to read the Core Rulebook and transform my workbench back from a gardening bench to a hobbying...
Wow! That looks great!
That looks so good! And I love the mirror!
I know my old Lord Kroak isn't table legal because of base size, but if I mounted him on a base the same size as the new Kroak, do you think he...
Going to the local Warhammer shop to purchase the new Core Rulebook, the General's Handbook 2021 and associated Pitched Battles Profiles, Lord...
I don’t know about crunch but I would be astonished if they don’t raise the points cost significantly or eliminate one or the other of the...
Somebody on another site pointed out that the Bonesplitterz Wardokk already had the Priest and Wizard keywords and only went up 5 points (to 85!).
That's...the entire point of this discussion.
Yeah, I'm convinced that the only unit we have able to chant prayers is the Skink Priest. I didn't say anything about Starpriests, I don't think?
The points thing is an excellent point. Why would the points bump be so low if they're adding a significant amount of power to the unit?
That makes perfect sense to me. I'm just worried about running into someone who will cite the first sentence of 20.0: A unit with the PRIEST...