This may have already been addressed upthread but if so, I over-read it so apologies for the repetition. The errata says: Page 95 – Engine of...
This is a wonderful resource. Do you plan to do a series for the 3.0 rules? When it comes to this hobby, I'm okay at painting but terrible at...
What exactly are y'all talking about when you say "armor save." I checked the pinned abbreviations chart in this forum but it's not there. Is it...
Looks great! And like a really challenging paint job! I usually do complete builds and then paint, but there are so many nooks and crannies here I...
This is a tough one. I've hosting a game day on August 8th and need to do a lot to get ready for that (the space is so cool! It's the HQ of a...
The accompanying illustration is also of a Starpriest, but I'm sure that was just the layout person reading the text, seeing Starpriest, and...
Thanks so much!
You've got some interesting theories about linguistics there, friend, but I guess I'll leave it alone since you''d have to get something written...
You keep bringing up Pride Month. If this is, in fact, from a publication of GW or Cube7 I would be jaw-droppingly astonished to learn that they...
Choosing to have a genderless species is making a choice about gender and, thus, entering into the conversation about it. Especially if you're...
Well, as of yet, I for one don't know where this quote came from beyond it being an image from a Discord server so I can't speak to cynicism. Is...
I wonder if that extract comes from the new Seraphon supplement for Cube7's Age of Sigmar role-playing game, perhaps? Canas, what about it are...
Source? I mean, I see that image came from a Discord server, but what product is it from? ETA There have always been Skink women in my army! And...
With the Blades of Khorne article just posted, all twenty-four current factions in Age of Sigmar have received their preview articles. These...
Please sleep.
We've got this. I predict a ten-way tie.
I have my first AoS 3.0 game day coming up on August 8th and plan to build my list around big beasties. I have a Saurus Old One on Carnosaur and a...
Seems like some people will recognize chaff for chaff and not use the ability when being charged by such a unit, though, doesn't it? Thus "saving"...
Is it just me or does today's Kharadron Overlords preview article seem to have a little more meat on it that most of those we've seen previously?