I found a new box of the Collegiate Arcanum online.
Thanks! Is the only way to get the model in the four model Battlemage set (which seems to be currently out of stock online)?
I can't find anything called a Ghur Mage. Is that a nickname?
You know, I sure hope that the new App is at least as robust as the current one, which I really like. I stopped subscribing to Azyr when I stepped...
Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere. Beta free for about a month, then behind the paywall....
You left out the big guy! And speaking to a post further down thread, are those models in the Underworlds line (I think it's Underworlds--the box...
Thanks, everyone! Lots to think about!
I'm completely serious. Tell me which units to order to make something impressive work. I'm traditionally very meh at the, y'know, actual game...
I find your proposal interesting and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Can you clear that up for me a little? I kind of got the impression that buying a physical codex unlocked SOMETHING in the 40K app. It's not the...
I'm slightly worried about the future of the AoS app and the Citadel Colour app. Everyone keeps talking about how the 40K app isn't very good (no...
Will do, thanks!
Are you guys talking about the fire and frost phoenixes? I looked at their war scrolls on the GW website (those attached to the model product...
I've seen some talk on the TGA site about "dragon" models that folks there are positing might land in any of various factions, including Seraphon....
Considering the focus of your board I find this sentence particularly ominous. Oh, the difference between "players from those forums which" and...
Thank so much!
So I'm seeing chatter that the really good units in 3.0 will be those with the keywords "monster" and "hero" which have 3+ saves. Okay, I'll buy...
I sure hope so! Because while I'm mainly in this for the building and the painting and the reading, I do really like playing AoS. I'm just...
Well, it's both subtler and more annoying than that. Whoever is writing these articles has not been tasked with knowing the basics of what they're...
Oh sweet hatchling of summer...