A slightly less asinine/tongue in cheek response. I like converting my characters individually to display their magic items, this generally...
However it does say "targets all enemy units within x inches" which is where you can make the point that it comes into conflict with the BRB and...
*snigger* Hypotenuse... 's good stuff, keep it coming my friend :)
It does say that, the point Sleboda and RipperDerek are trying to make (correct me if I'm putting words into your mouth) is that when combined...
Yes, I do
Looks good, sallies are great vs dwarves (20mm bases, big units), Tetto is king of the comet and can shatter a dwarf castle on his own. You should...
Both? It's only 270pts... Personally I'd go with Tetto, in smaller games with fewer units you can vanguard a higher proportion of your army, this...
What he said, for a beginner go with Dual action 'Cup' reservoir (gravity fed) Needles 0.25->1.5mm (fine detail->base coating) Compressor >4L,...
BRB page 73 So 3D3 wounds on the unit, so 2 ogres dead in the example you gave
They aren't on cold ones so they'll be in units and get look out sir vs shooting if it hits them, which if it does means it's a canoon and they...
That is a lot of rage you have bottled up there my friend, can I suggest boxing training or some other suitably physical outlet as a release? The...
Aye, my bad, I couldn't remember if the slann had a handweapon. So is this possible? I know a couple of people I wouldn't mind seeing on the...
Do you have any female family members looking for a husband? ;) Tbh it's just nice seeing the sculpts, they are great inspiration
Re: Escalation League (758 points) advice wanted I vote Bastiladon As it is your scar vet is basically unkillable by basic infantry, which will...
Hi there, I just checked out your site, interesting... I love 3d printing, we had an industrial one at university that I used a lot (free access...
Re: Escalation League (632 points) double update Dude.. ouch. Being outnumbered by about 30% is never fun. However I think your sally would have...
1. Dwarves - I'm an engineer, blackpowder wooo! 2. Dogs of War - they used to be an army... 3. Orcs and Goblins - so many options, so much...
I'm exactly the same, I never like going to the bitz websites as they are very uneconomical per part and I will always find a use for everything...
What are the spires from? Steg?
For that purpose (multicoloured army) they can even be from the same place. The fluff about spawning pools is that units come out the same time,...