This list looks like so much fun! I DEMAND a battle report!
So far, the best I see is putting the slann on the side of the unit or in a bunker of saurus you don't really care about. I would love to make my...
They're helpful situational like a lot of things, if you remember to use them! I would bring one my warboss with my OnG's for when I fought armies...
why's the slann being attacked? He should be in the second rank until the group falls below five models.
I like it! I want to try something this. Seventy saurus is just insane, that must be a pain to manuever. My other army is O&G's and I ran three...
That's a good point. Especially with the carnosaur's WS.
Forgive me as I've NEVER used a carnosaur so my "advice" might be wrong but why do you need the crown of command? I'm just assuming that he's not...
Has no one mentioned temple guard yet? Forty of these guys with a slann in them would force AKF to have to fight them eventually and depending on...
As (self-appointed) Lustria Online's biggest advocate of Razordons, I feel the need to point out that monstrous support has been helfpul when I...
Or the casket of souls. Irrestible force just means they can't dispel it and it's ready to go again next turn. Whereas something like the ruby...
I read through all of this and it seems like you might be having a bit of trouble because your opponents aren't understanding some basic rules....
Focus of Mystery is helpful agains WOC, I feel. Arcane unforging being the biggest help you can have against that stupid ward save (seriously +3...
Yeah, I don't really have a reason to be running a 10-man chamo unit, you're both right. I'll switch it up to two 5 packs. Lore of beasts has been...
Hey all, I'm attending an upcoming tournament and would like some feedback Slann- BSB -Harmonic convergence, Soul of stone, focus of mystery...
^ This. I love my Bastiladon. Throwing one power die usually doesn't break your magic phase, but you'll really see your opponent struggle if they...
I like your list, seems fun. However, I might drop the EoTG and invest those points elsewhere as with a slann, tetto and a bastiladon you're going...
Where I can't defend the use of a Trogolodon (as I haven't used it) I'm pretty happy with my Razordons. Of course, they synchronize with my army...
It depends a lot on your army. More likely then not you're going to need to use a handful of things to outright kill it. Boosted Shem's burning...
^ This. The command group doesn't have to be in the dead-center of the rank, everyone just sets it up that way because it's aesthetically...
I enjoy my razordons. I run them in a group of four. As it's said above, they're pretty good at clearing away that annoying chaff and can hold...