Their site is hard to navigate, but Amonkhet was found via Google search. Here is the link! :) You'll have to Google for the other ones....
I'm looking forward to the DnD pdf they release with each edition. The one for Amonkhet was awesome!
Not to derail the thread even further, but the AoS fan supplement for Tomb Kings was just amazing. :)
VC had cheesier rules that were easier to play, so more people gravitated to them.
We have a licensed cat inspector? Who inspects our lizards? :P
This thread is AWESOME. :D
I definitely understand. And I totally respect that and won't use the image without permission. :)
OMG, this is so awesome. How did you make it? And at some point in the future, could I borrow it for my avatar? :X #bigtriceratopsfan
I'm a huge fan of ancient Egypt, and Tomb Kings were a natural fit for me. I ran a combined arms attachment of Beastmen using Wargods of Aegyptus...
Yeah. Warhammer was getting the axe, I did NOT like how End Times turned out for them, and then I was in a nasty car accident with my wife and to...
Daaaaaaaaaamn, I wish I still had TK. :/
It also looks like you're going to have to heavily maul the Swordsmen unit to deny it as many Horde attacks and then hope to break it with a...
Damn. I'm facing off against two dwarf players and two empire players in an upcoming league. And I don't want to get blown away and see my...
Chaos Dwarves! I"d love to own those plates.
Hey everyone! I'm going to be joining a campaign soon where the majority of players will be dwarves (or Empire, but run heavy artillery anyways.)...
Hey, everyone! Is anyone else going to Gen Con 2017 this weekend? :)
I want to add that Nagash also devoured Usirion, the Nehekheharan God of Death, and gained control over the Tomb Kings that way. Here's the part...
So there is a company called Antimatter Games, and they have two factions that incorporate lizardmen based races known as the Scaly Horde and the...