We need graphic novels dedicated to lizardmen! I COMMAND IT SO.
I haven't skimmed this thread real close, but no one has mentioned the pretty nifty unofficial Tomb Kings Battletome that someone cooked up. I'm...
It's got a weird aesthetic going on right now where they are trying to create their own unique universe. Tree elves, nudist barbarian dwarves,...
This was awesome to read! I need more Salamanders! :)
Boooooooooo also I love puns but boooooooo
Is anyone planning on playing Seraphon in Skirmish? The rules drop next week! :D I'm excited and I hope that the game is better planned out than...
I love the models, and they're a blast to play with. I like the direction they're taking with new Battletomes, but my biggest issue is that they...
I recently had to email them because my Shadow War set was mispacked and had double of one of the terrain sprues but was missing two of the...
From a cost perspective, they may be charging more because they're Print on Demand. But it's also GW, so take from that what you will.
I would use Warhorn or your local game store's FB page to try to meet new players and arrange games. Warhorn helps out a ton and I know lots of...
Kharandron are pretty sweeeeeeet
I cast my vote optimistically, but I'll be blunt: Probably not. And I *love* Tomb Kings! And all things Egyptian.
I didn't get to where I am by NOT saying I'm in charge! (Where am I again?)
That's how I feel as well. I wouldn't mind seeing models that are as grand and cool looking as the Saurus on the cover of Seraphon. Maybe give...
Welcome! A friend of mine from college lives in Sydney. :)
Aww. :( i'm sorry.
THERE IS NO DANA ONLY ZUUUUUUUL http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/new-dinosaur-discovered-zuul-1.4105047
Thanks! I actually design units for other wargames. :) So sometimes I sit and wonder about units for games that aren't what I"m working on because...
House Rogers may be the smallest, but we always take the lead, for we are never afraid! No, You Move!
...also known as "I am nostalgic towards the old sculpts and want to represent them in the game alongside the cool, modern models." So I was...