I'll have to fiddle with this later, but I'm digging it. How would you classify the army's playstyle? ARe they a melee army that gets psychic...
House Rogers. Always and forever* *Except the most recent arc cause fudge that.
Ahh, one of my favorite phrases cause my Mom uses it all the time for me. :D The important part about building an army with all that you have is...
Yeah, in our Mordheim campaign, we each earn Plot points. These help us determine who will get to be the overall winner and also let us use them...
They are definitely not the same as Necromunda. There's some campaign stuff there, but not as immersive as Necromunda was.
I have a thread in the Lizardmen tactics forum cataloging my exploits. :) I raeally need to paint them though. :/
With the release of the Kharadron and their sky boats, do you think we shall start seeing larger transports for Seraphon? I know they have...
The figures are beautiful. I was hoping they'd release new Seraphon though. :/
Also, my group changed the Spear rule, which sucked because that was what my warband used as their primary weapon. I hate it because they want to...
It was not a good day for the Star Band. I managed to get in three games tonight, and one was outright devastating, while the other two were just...
I thought they had some advanced weapons? I'm saying this just based off the art.
This is me after completing a 5k. It was my first and I'm pretty proud of my weight loss. :)
I used to own a hedgepiggy! She was so sweet.
They look amazing!
Welcome Lord Agragax! I, too, play Dwarves! :)
Truly you are the mightiest of starches.
I, too, started with Wood Elves once upon a time. Of course, that was in a different Age....:P Welcome!
Welcome to Lustria! I'm approximately one week older than you here... ....WHICH MEANS I'M IN CHARGE. (*rolls his Blatant Lie skill*)
I've heard it's rough for Orks. But I've struggled against them at times. :/ Maybe because the players I go up against use a lot of terrain to...