Progress on the throne room
I have this coming in a week, the pieces in the right are 20 and 25mm, will use them as glyphs for the levels.
Thanks but project just started. I am paying level by level and looks like now I need a 1) basement spawning area 2) combat training area and or...
Where can one find a star map?
I like this, any ideas on where I can get astronomy stuff?
Ok great idea, thanks
thanks for your thoughts
Great ideas. Awesome start and great Idea!! The outside looks pretty real jungle-y. A) Thanks, the pieces was the first piece created and then I...
Lizard Team hello, i am working on designing a multi level temple/pyramid. At this type the levels may not fit directly on top of each other as...
Link below with battle report and pictures on FB. Campaign battles on 10/6/22 "Duel on a Sea of Blood"...
Dud Dude, this is amazing. Please keep us posted when you play again. Love to see other Mordheimers gaming set up we play year round. It’s a...
thanks, we have an awesome Mordheim gaming group that has been playing on Thursdays for 22 years. Each year, the campaigns get better and we get...
Link to FB with all the pictures Campaign battles fought on 9/29/22 "The Lustrian Treasure Ship"...
More pics