Hi there, great thing to start programming such a combat simulator. I added some units (ironjawz), run some fights, and thought it would be very...
Hi there, I will soon attend my first tournament. Enemies will be FEC, Iron Jawz, Nurgle, Skaven and Sylvaneth. Restrictions are: 2 heroes max,...
Uhm, well, y'know...secret-secret second army :cool:
Nice-nice it is!
@Aginor: Going for NMM-gold, like I did with the Starpriest. Thanks for the input so far....I will finish gold, then all the strappings and then...
Hello, just a small WIP on what's next... C&C always welcome.. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thanks a lot! Next will be an Engine of the Gods.. more to come soon, hopefully
So...long time no see. Unfortunately real life kept me too busy. I had some games lately, unfortunately I got tabled every time. I think there...
Nevermind, already listed I'm bowser's link...
Thanks a lot...I'm actually typing a battle report about the first aos battle I played. Also continuing to finish the bastilodon. More to come soon
Sooo..After a long time I finished the Rippers. I only have to paint Te'Ki'La..Don't know why I forgot him when painting the rest. [ATTACH] And...
Already looking so promising. Really curious how it will turned out painted. Btw...It's Schallblase, vocal sac :cool:
You could also try Isopropanole, aka 2-propanole. It isn't toxic (nevertheless Ethanole tastes a lot better) and is used as antiseptic (or paint...
I would propose buying a colour wheel at your FLGS. It's not expensive and helps a lot. Otherwise there are a lot of hints in the net, just have a...