I also think you're only offering a platform doing calculations. What kind of values will be entered is irrelevant as it is done by the user. If...
Yeah, go easy. You could use a dark brown and then drybrushing with a lighter colour and bring the colours together with a sepia wash, for...
And those summoned by an eotg in the first hero phase. Per ripper rules you place a toad marker in your first hero phase per unit. So by summoning...
Hmm, I think you're going the right way insofar as you are evaluating different colour schemes. Personally, I'd stay with colours not too bright...
Seems like you had too much colour in the brush and applied it too "splotchy". Nevertheless, I like it. Were you following the yt instructions?
So...still working on my gazillion Saurus warriors. Unfortunately with only slow progress, life's keeping me too busy. But, in the meantime I am...
You could take unit size for consecutive battle rounds (program calculating additional rounds of combat removing slain models/losses due to...
Wasn't there already something like that...gone searching... Edit...found it, just don't know how to link to the original post of @GreenyRepublic...
@Klap but there's also the rule, that warscrolls override the general rules. Therefore the hit generation because of voracious appetite will...
Ok, so additionally hits generated through voracious appetite that missed can be re-rolled due to swooping, until i fail any re-rolled sub-hits,...
Unfortunately life's taken too much hobby time recently, so I only got time for a game this evening. We had a tactical discussion on rippers and...
Nevermind....nothing to see here
What about the additional attacks of the rippers....should now generate a lot more beak attacks
That's the way I saw it. But now I'm uncertain...
Sorry my bad, was to upset...seems one cd
Interesting thing is, that a model's specific rrule beats the rules in the rulebook. So Kroak can go wild nuking 3 celestial deliverences and 2...
@Crowsfoot: [ATTACH] The way I do it: take bundles of ~10, and put some super glue in the middle. After the glue is dry, cut the grass in two so...
Try this one [MEDIA]
I'll try to finish the nmm gold on my 75 warriors.