painting roughly a gazillion of Saurus Warriors is roughly as entertaining as drilling a screw through your knee I present my freshly...
Flesh tone is very good. Fits them well.
One should also consider, that, besides all the fancy now-to-come spells: you won't cast them, as you're foregoing it to collect the summoning...
I think its 3 points per spell you sacrify. I'm not too excited about seraphon summoning mechanism, but I have to wait and see the whole of our...
I use black and then add a zenithal white primer. Made excellent experience personally using Vallejo.
But this is heresy :eek:
Yes, meant the general dispelling in 30"
Hmmm....I think aos 2.0 kills at least two birds with one stone. Firstly, they are addressing to the community insofar that they tweak point...
Ok, red scales done...moving to the next milestone... golden stuff. That'll be four steps to paint per model. [ATTACH]
Really great what you did. More pictures, sure :D
I would also recommend a test subject. Grab an unused mini, prime it, and paint it. Play and test the colours. Use different washes and see the...
Good find
I don't know if that system will work, with regards to slaanes now. Being rewarded not to kill an enemy seems..odd. The key to success is mostly...
Did the dino take you for a ride in the first picture? And it ended up with it's head severed? :eek:
Goldorak, always watched it at my granny's Colt sievers Knight rider Löwenzahn Am dam des Any cartoons, mostly bugs bunny, tom and jerry, grisu......
I think we'll see some power creep in aos2. I am also sceptical with that mw spell. As written above seraphon have a hard time against it. If they...
Now we want pictures...
Perhaps you might think of one colour element throughout all of your army connecting it. Mine all share a red spine. But, as the others...
Adding my best wishes
I think the new edition has mucg potential. And I personally also think gw will address some things to increase the gaming experience and...