Yeah, as the others said excellent I just need to find those chamo skinks...o_O
Ok, not dead yet, but 1/3rd done of all saurus spines. Hope the highlighting will be a little quicker than applying the base colour... [ATTACH]
No problem here, discussing and looking at it from every possible angle....thanks so far
Hmmm...the warscroll says you make 3 instead of 1 I'd still say the attacks value is changed by the toad. And that number is doubled...
What if I get the 18+ off of the EOTG with Rippers in 3“ of the toad...? As far as I see it, the attacks value from the beak is changed from 1 to...
Really like the bright contrast on the carno. Perhaps some edge highlight for the morghasts?
Did you try layering the highlights?
I also use them as waypoints to see the progress over...well...a lot of years...
+1 for the lobster. Hmm... surf and turf, the new theme for Idoneth....?
I tried it and it's really simple. Put hot water* in a bowl, add cold water in a second. Let the mass heaten in the warm water, it gets clay-ish...
Ja, that could be possible, good catch
With fur..You know that there are no wolves on Fenris...;)
Did you use this technical gem colour from gw for the shoulder pads?
Really crispy highlights... they look awesome
So, finished the vortex... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] On to the next side project....
Yeah, generally vallejo primer is very smooth, i like it a lot. Do you wash your models with a little dishwasher to remove grease and residue? Or... can't have enough models. It's not possible.:cool:
What do you use as primer? It looks quite irregular and splotchy (on the skink)...
Another time my saurus warriors. And stuff I do to distract me from painting them...
So, working on the saurus goes slowly. Here's the base of my vortex I'm working on to distract me a little... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Still a...