Re: dons and dactyls I have heard it said that terradons are a better jack-of-all-trades unit, flying around getting shit done in mid air....
Oops! I mistook the relationship between Regeneration and ward with the relationship between Regeneration and armor. My bad. I haven't actually...
Yes, true, but... Remember that you get to make an armor save, a ward save, and a regeneration check. So, a 5+ ward save ain't good for me, it's...
Don't forget that a single wound from a flaming attack shuts down a unit's Regeneration for the rest of the turn. Tag your opponent's units with...
Way to go!
For whatever it's worth, I... 1) Think that the rule is worded ambiguously, and. 2) Really wish this thread would get back on track with...
Let GW know. I don't believe that "gone out of print" means that GW will no longer support the model in terms of replacing damaged bits. It's...
I don't know if the fluff explicitly states this, but I picture different Lizardmen communities coming together when necessary. I mean, why not?...
Re: Raised prices on all of lizardmen? Phew! Scared me there for a second...
Re: Raised prices on all of lizardmen? Where are you? Are you sure you're loading the right site? The prices haven't changed for me.
Re: New to Fantasy, new to lizardmen. Questions from a newbi They also don't need it, since they can always reform for free as often as they like.
Fundamentally, I agree. The Lore of High Magic provides us with unparalleled flexibility, and I've used it pretty effectively in a couple of...
Here's what I'm getting from the feedback so far: 1) Be more careful with screening units, forcing him to get bogged down in chaff. This wouldn't...
I just lost - badly - game against my usual Wood Elf opponent. There were some flubbed dice rolls and some choices that I could have made better,...
I was responding to the prior poster's fears, not to anything I'd seen on the thread. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough - I don't want to...
I mean, is anyone saying that Lizardmen are now on the trash heap? That we'll never win a game again? Perhaps we lost some of our edge - I still...
Personally, I think doing is the only way to learn. I mean, sure. I'd advise a new player to give the rulebook a quick read-through. The game...
I think skrox still works as a counter-punch unit. They charge - or get charged - and get stuck in. Your opponent is stuck in a lousy situation....
I think that's a pretty gross exaggeration. Do you care to elaborate? The changes I see don't seem to be too drastic. And we got a couple of...