Ugh. No. What has imagined cannot be unseen. Urgh.
You might be able to find the old command group on eBay or something - I found one there for about $8, but it may have been the last ;). Anyway....
Re: Relationship between Old Ones, Chaos, and the other deit I'm a relative newcomer, but personally I don't really like the idea of the various...
My biggest problem? SO GOD-DAMN EXPENSIVE. Seriously, I am extremely leery of buying the freaking thing and assembling it as anything less than a...
I'm just getting (back) into Lizardmen after a long hiatus. In the time that I have been out of the game, a new army book has come out, and a new...
You think so? I thought folks would like some jerk saying "go ahead and post and boast." No offense was intended.
I'd like that. I have a problem with lizards. I love lizards - I have a pet bearded dragon at home and take care of two turtles and a hognose...
I'm having a hard time deciding on a color scheme for my Lizardmen. Post if you're interested in inspiring me with awesome pictures of your...
Re: A Beginner's Lizardmen, 2k, Take Four Here's Draft Four, based partly on the advice I've received here and elsewhere. I'm actually happier...
This looks pretty similar to the list I'm also suggesting at 2k, except that I went more heavily magic. I wonder what the more experienced...
This is draft two of my Lizardmen list. I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing here - I'm not even quite sure of the rules, except in that I'm...
My name's Mark. I'm a teacher in Oakland, CA, and in a month or two I will begin to play Lizardmen (I'm on a budget, you see...). I was first...