Ok,here is a riddle. We take the second list (will be testing it tommorow,i think), ditch the bastiladon, add two sunbloods and change the...
Before i will test them in battle, here is another option i am considering: Leaders Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320) - General - Trait:...
I ussualy play against stromcast eternals (Grymm's brotherhood), vampires (zombie dragon, arkhan), beastclaw riders. Guard is pretty useless right...
I have a lot of mortal wounds in my neighrobhood. The lizardmen, once unstopable, suffered some defeats. Here i post some ideas to change the...
Kroxigors. 6 of them or more. In avrage rolls you should kill 22 in one turn.
What is the point of bringing 10 warriors?
Having one formation in your army you are allowed to have two artifacts, not three.
My opponents play dark elves, stormcast eternals, beastclaw riders, death alliance, mostly flesheaters, Nurgle deamons and mortals, sylvaneth. I...
I was considering a small change in list nr2. 3xskinks for battleline, krox instead sallies and handlers. What do you think?
The game is on, 1600 points. Two lists, cant decide which to take. Thoughts? Leaders Slann Starmaster (260) - General Engine of the Gods (240)...
Shadowstrike starhost. Chama skinks, rapedactyls and two units of guard for battleline. Plus heroes.
Yeah, most tournament scenarios are all about tzking points. Some flyers would be a nice addition. I know itwill mess with your conception od the...
Oooohhh daaamn! I love this list! Tryed that a couple of times and it went great!
Aaaand they heal :\
These are great points my saurian brother ;) i will test them in battle!
Well, its kinda on topic so... I have a problem. There is a new general in my city, threatening the dominion of lizards and their undisputed rule....
Im a KB player, i think i can say a word or two. This army is all about synergy. They do a ton of attack, but there is few source of mortal...
I found out that for the rippers, who usually operate far from my other units it is difficult to supportthem with... Anything. The additional...
Shadowstrike starhost is neat! I took 6 rippers and watch the world burn... ;) Its all about manuver, in a skink army you cant take a punch. But...
Me and my freinds started a ladder campaign with points progression. We started 1000points and increase by 200 every two weak. This is my idea...