Yeah,drop the oldboy and get an engine. That beast is neat! Iam not convinced to this big block os warriors. I think you could spent this points...
Some idea for a big battle Leaders Slann Starmaster (260) - General Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320) Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160) Saurus...
Here is a website that will help you create your list. And it has points :)
JuggLord really boosts my reavers. I attack in waves, using them like in the fluff-as berserkers. They die (screaming WITNESS ME!), bringing down...
My Khorne Bloodbound: Leaders Lord Of Khorne On Juggernaut (140) - General - Trait: Lord of War - Artefact: Chaos Runeblade Bloodsecrator (120)...
Damn. I give up. From all of our battleline, the guard is just too good to ditch them. Maybe i can sometimes use small units of skinks. But mostly...
Yeah, in my opinion our ussual core units (skinks in 10, saurus) suck. Ok, maybe they are not very bad, but there are better options. The guard is...
Yeah, i read his warscrolla, but have no idea of his faction artifacts and his abiloty to teleport. I just improvised. Good thing he started with...
Did some testing yesterday. I am eager to work with this list after modifications. The result is in the report section. Leaders Skink Priest...
Ok, i promissed this a while ago. But you are here for the reports- lets not waste words on introduction. Season of war battles, Clash of...
Sunblood provides rerolls for saurus only, astrolith for everyone. Plus, the latter buffs spellcasting. Good point with those blotspitters. I will...
You are going to have a hard time going against a shooting army
Great idea! Plus the saurus will help break the enemy with the stardrake icon! Brilliant! Here is some other idea for 1100 Leaders Saurus...
Awww shieeet, dodnt notice that basti has a skink keyword :) Well, the skinks are there not to kill, but to screen and die cheap.;) Saurus will...
Well, the whole idea was "lets take some kroxigors and add something to buff them". But maybe im going in the wrong direction. Awww, hell! Lets...
Well, most of our casual games are 2vs2, so 1k is the most common pointa value. TBH, i dont have a good idea for a army. I im eager to try...
Yeah, why not. But after a couple of days, need to take care of something first :\ Duty calls.
Its all over. I did it. I've beaten the competition. 4 major victories!
Technically its Spirit of Durthu and fluff says that those are forest spirits that are descendants of the legendary Durthu.
For 40 points that left you can add some skink handlers.