Preview attachment IMG_0442.JPG [img] IMG_0442.JPGPreview attachment IMG_0444.JPG Preview attachment IMG_0451.JPG [img] IMG_0451.JPG 241 KB...
and my 18yr old cat that sadly passed away last year
OMG, just found all the pics that I took in NY when we went there, i broke the memory card like, last year!
sorry for the blurriness! Looking through my laptops downloaded pics off my cam, so may have a few!
right, so a start by giving a tribute to the might tombo! @Bluefire
I'll ink abt it
OK, unfortunately my Painty skills do not give me an urge to enter this competition
I'm not talking to you, welsh farmer I'm talking to the Yankees over there P.s always wondered is Yankee an offensive term to you?
racism What have we done to you cowboys across the bath?
Also, why is the UK associated with rain?
Ah well,if it floods, the road will be blocked so no school :)
To build anticipation The first post will feature the fellowship of the ring and Thorin's company in the mines of moria and the the goblin kingdom...
Looking back I spent £190+ on it. I still need to paint haradrim warriors, riders of Ronan and Uruks!
Any sega fans? Come on, we need a rival Sonic army, Its incomplete with out it...
LotR/HsbG models are not amazing, but quite impressive for 7-11yr me
kk, have exams this wk so expect post on sat/sun VTB
Hi, I am just starting it cos i am bored. The first pics will come over the weekend, (but not of models, well unlikely) I will be trying out...
an that's with the heating on...
tbh, it can get 20c+ once a year...