Don't know. Getting to be a pain keeping the repackaged models backwards compatible as well.
They kinda just did one of these in the new White Dwarfs. Might have trimmed the edges. [img]
Slightly vulgar, but totally accurate. [MEDIA]
Can you use Lord Kroak's/Tetto'eko's abilities to re-roll the turn initiative roll?
Kroak Bomb (AoS): get Kroak to center of enemy army Lord Kroak: AoE mortal wound spells with 3D6" range Scar Vet BSB: +8" to all spells/+1 to...
Can you summon units through an Arcane Vassal?
Canada here. Chakax* is now "Sold Out" + "No longer available." Lord Kroak was briefly in stock but is now once sold out again. From what I...
Manufacturer's suggested retail price. Pretty much what you pay at GW. I take the box cost and divide it by the number of models inside for a...
You need at least 20 warriors to get the first unit size bonus, and this can only happen on an 11+ roll on 2D6. If your opponent shoots even one...
Don't they update the pictures if the bases change?
I still see the new one and the one with feathered cloak under the Canadian site. Also noticed that Lord Kroak went from Sold Out + No Longer...
I have been buying from my local GW now and then because they used to provide a venue for playing Warhammer Fantasy, but now that I can't a) find...
I ventured to GW again today and asked about the old 8th edition books again and was told they had shipped them off. Was going to buy High Elves...
Yeah, I think that seems right. Warseer comment seems to note 50 to 60 percent based on the account type/sales you have with GW products. Kinda...
Supposedly, retailers get to buy GW products for a percentage of the MSRP.
Salamander (A) (con't...) [ATTACH] Salamander (B) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Razordon [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [Insert witty caption here] [ATTACH] Skink...
Updated earlier posts. Most of my models ended up too dark and/or coarse, but here are zee close-ups: Skink Skirmishers [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Paint job feels a bit thick on some pieces to be master class, and I think he went a bit too happy on the inks/washes. The conversion work and...