Personally, I support maintaining balance, but I'm starting to wonder if Warhammer Fantasy was intended to be more AoS-like for some time now. I...
I think it was just called "Troll." You can google "Troll monthly mail order" for the picture above. EDIT Found a white dwarf reference to it...
Same. I thought i had one still, but can't seem to find it. Looked something like this: [img] Usually around 8 to 10 pages and came folded in an...
I still have a giant Bristol board-sized ad for Mail orders during Christmas 2000. Core games were $110 CAD. Battalions/Battle Forces were $115 to...
Wasn't there a GW representative at Forge World open day who commented on future aesthetic changes? The new races will look different to the old...
Came up with the following questions recently: 1) Does a Skink priest with priestly trappings have missile attacks? 2) Does a Skink chief with...
If you can modify Lord Kroak's bravery, it makes him harder/easier to kill.
Am I the only one who finds the wording on the "Sworn Guardians" ability to be ambiguous? I thought the extra bravery and save bonus applied to...
Has anyone seen this model before by chance? It was on Ebay a while back, and I got outbid at the last moment. Supposedly, it was an unreleased...
Changed choice of colors in my post.
Death Mask, Scarab Jade/gold, 20 Death Mask, Gemini Black-Blue/gold, 5 Death Mask, Gemini Black-Red/gold, 5 Death Mask, Gemini Green-Purple/gold,...