Look at those beautiful boys <3
A lot of the army is quite old with many of the models dating back to 2000 with 6th Edition (When I started collecting I believe.) With being...
For me personally I believe that the Slann are all floating around in their temples in Azyr and only going down into the Mortal Realms surface to...
I believe that the Seraphon are mostly floating around in Azyr, the realm of the heavens but this is a guess on my part more than anything. This...
This story is amazing and explains so many details. I love how the Skink waits patiently for about an hour for a saurus warrior to contemplate...
Brilliant models, made me chuckle. I love the concept, it just screams Orks.
You know you will have to give us some battle reports. Have fun on your trip!
At the moment the lack of lore and stories isn't as bad for Seraphon as it fits the mysterious nature of the race which some of you guys have said...
I cannot believe I have not touched my army for a good year. Picking up where I left off I decided to finish my chameleon skinks. For the year...
Please throw it in the recycling, better for the realm of life that way. If the new book is only £15 (25 USD) then I am sure that will be a good...
That all being said, being dwarves and being remarked upon their advanced aether technology I can imagine their guns would be more accurate than...
I can see that happening, they have announced that the new book will cover allegiance abilities for over a over 16 armies so I imagine those...
Games Workshop way of writing fluff perhaps but considering that the rules as written imply that Skinks as a keyword due to it being written in...
I disagree with this because the wording is important here. We are talking Skinks, not Skink. Since the wording in the ability is highlighted they...
I don't know how experienced you are with AoS in general but I will put this one important thing to keep in mind. Avoid road blocking your own big...
I know that the Oldblood on Carnosaur can be a bit expensive points wise IMO but having that rule clarified I have to admit it has fallen back in...
Fluff wise, I imagined it was the Oldblood’s sheer skill with his mount from being such an ancient warlord that he guides it in the middle of...
I can see where you are coming from but the Carnosaur and Oldblood do share the same keywords as it is one model. I am not sure if I missed it in...
Hello all I would like a quick reaffirmation of the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur's command ability Ancient Warlord. It reads as follows:...
I have to agree, last week I had my Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur and used my Skink Starpriest on the Carnosaur's jaws. He instantly killed two...