While I do agree that there can be some really big cheese out there for Seraphon especially with what you can do with the Saurus Guard and...
Rather than opening an entirely new thread about this I would like to ask a follow-up question. Regarding the Serpent Staff ability, in your...
When having a few smaller units it is better to be more careful to pick your fights carefully. A friend told me that you do not want to charge...
I would have been put a little off when everybody in the entire club started saying that they would not want to play against my army because it...
Thank you both for the comments, I am glad you guys like them. I have got another photo of my skinks as well. I will be trying to make sure every...
Great battle report, it was a fun read. I am curious what the game against the ironjaws will be like. I do like that ability of the Saurus guard...
That is what I tend to use skinks for, capturing and holding objectives. That or they would provide a screen by spreading out in a thin line in...
Very nice, it is interesting seeing how effective the Starseer given the re-rolling. I normally haven't considered it because the risk of giving...
The third rule of 1 only applies to generating extra attacks, hits or wounds, it doesn't talk about re-rolling so you can still be able to have a...
Hello there I am very much a new Seraphon player here. Before I used to play Bretonnians back in in the 5.5 edition when the army was only...
Star Children of Xilonen (pronounced shelO NEN) With the General's Handbook, I have got back into Age of Sigmar in a big way and have been...
Hello everyone I have recently got back into Age of Sigmar since the General's Handbook came out and I am really enjoying the matched play. I...