Was doing a little rules refreshing and came across this: pg 97 MRB If a Lone Character is hit by a shooting attack of any kind (including...
It is about 50/50 with me the way I run mine. But I do like the 4x4 unit of 8 Krox. They are fast, hit hard, can take a punch or two and can be...
Then, just for the sake of argument, and in hind sight would actually have worked better Same tactic but Lore of Fire - Flame Cage the DeathStar...
sadly no beer was consumed during the course of this game and did not have enough time to pop down to the pub for one mid game when we broke for...
Yes, but apparently the cards say something different. Stupid.
Played a Deathstar of 18 Bulls + Butcher + BSB, + Blah, Blah, Blah.... 10 Skink , 3 Salamanders and Ancient Stegadon Slann with Lore of Metal....
There used to be a Dogs of War choice you could take in place of a rare choice, if I remember correctly was back around 5th edition. As far as I...
I don't have a full battle report to give, just thought I would share a photo of the game....
I did a little photoshop work up of what I was thinking the final product might look like. http://www.flickr.com/photos/12259387@N05/7268770766/
Maybe but I got the time. I did a couple Dark Elf to Deamonettes that turned out pretty well, not that they are jaw-dropping conversions but...
Was thinking this new fig would be a good jumping off point for nice Skink Conversion. Never thought I would be excited about a O&G release. [attach]
I have a box full of old acrylic paints from when I attended Art School that have been collecting dust for years. I have often wondered about...
That is insane! Anyone that is paying these kinds of outrageous prices send me a list of what you want and I will go to my local and price it...
Yeah I ahd just noticed this and did some research and Dark Elf Executioners and Witch Elves also not on site anymore as well.
or poison, frenzied witch elves will make short work of a Steg.
Re: Scaly Skin should stack with Scaly Skin BRB FAQ _ Page 66 – Special Rules, What Special Rules Does It Have Change “[...]the effects of...
Speaking of ebay and what not there are a few blister packs on there now, somewhat pricey but maybe cheaper than any fine cast that maybe coming...
Pesonally I love the big guy, in games over 2000 points he is in my list 100% of the time, either as my other Rare (Salamander are my other 100%)...
Cool, think you have a pretty solid list. Go have fun spreading the word of the Old Ones.
Just read this which makes me think I will wait to pick it up after the price drops....