My mistake. I miss-read the rule I thought page 102 said character had to be in base contact with other unit when it actually said "the two...
Yes, Chameleons are Skirmishers so they can march and shoot. Yes and No, if there is a champion in the unit he can always accept challenges in...
You should read it, as a scientist I think you would find it as interesting as I did. For those who think clicking a link is to much trouble I...
You can only have a single Slann in a unit of TG. Slann gets one discipline free. Having even just a naked Ethereal lvl 4 caster hovering around...
While surfing the web looking for cool Lizard stuff today, I found an interesting article. Scientists speculate that there could be a distant...
Stumbled upon this image and thought it would make an awesome sculpt for a Saurus....
I stopped running my Slann in TG units and putting him into Warrior units just because I got tired of blowing up multiple 16 point models when I...
Not true. Flame Banner - All models in unit have Flaming Attacks. Flaming Attacks - pg 69 - last paragraph - Unless otherwise stated, a model...
Arli speaks the truth! And a Skink Chief (BSB) on Ancient with Flame Banner gives 4d6 (+2 Javs) Poision/Flaming shots, great for taking down...
Better to merge Saurus together into one unit of 25 and give Hand Weapon and Shield. Also your SKROX units need to be 16 skinks for 2 Krox. I...
Seems somewhat daft that a Skink would be smart enough to put poison on a dart but not think to put it on his sword as well. All skink attacks...
He is my 2400 (comp 1) Monster List Tehenhauin Engine of the Gods Priest Engine of the Gods Dispel Scroll Chief (BSB ) 25 Saurus Command Hand...
I suggest you do what I did and buy 2 Stegs, magnetized all the bits and then you can swap them out as needed. :)
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks I promise you there are people here who that statement does not make one iota of a...
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests joing Skroxigor block was really meant to be rhetorical ;)
This is me at Ale Smith Brewery Tap Room for my buddies b-day. Picture was taken after 3 or maybe was 7 pints I don't remember much after that...
I would say it ends on a roll of 4+ whether you wish it to or not. It ends the magic phase and dispels all remains in play spells as well; it is...
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks Think I made my point. I have used characters in a SKROX unit in a Games Workshop...
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests joing Skroxigor block But this is talking about stomping not about a character joining, so until there is...
Skinks that ranked up properly would be nice.