I say Ancient Steg vs. Tomb Kings – I played vs. the 100 archer (200 shot per shooting phase) TK list and they only put 1 or 2 wounds on my stegs...
Does that not seem silly to everyone else?
Really? So (and I am just guessing here I really dont know the answer) a Brittonian Hero/Lord on a Pegasus can not join a unit of Pegasus Knights?...
According to a thread over on Warseer a Chief on Terradon is not allowed to join unit of Terradon? Is this right?
If she is the one with the reverse Ward she is a pain in the ass. Can you take a ward from the Blood Statue? The one that makes target keep...
I run him Ethereal in a block of Saurus when I make him a Death Slann, I then run them into CC and Purple Sun whatever is in front of me. No need...
You are correct sir. All Lore of Metal spells count as Flaming Attacks.
Oh yeah forgot about the 5+ Ward Save. So I will swap out 1 of my units of Salamanders for a unit of Razordons vs. Woodies next time.
I had this same question a while ago and the way it was explained to me is: Lore of Metal is really Alchemy, the study of chemistry to change...
If you play Storm of Magic you can bind a giant, would be cool if you did a conversion and themed a giant to fit in with LM.
So far only time I have seen Razordon effective is against Skrimishing small units and when running them against multi-wound Monstrous Infantry...
Looks perfect for getting you back into the swing of things and learning 8th ed. You could be very competitive with just those models for sure....
Welcome back to money pit that is Warhammer! I think it would be safe to say that there really are no bad units in the LM army. I use all that...
In small games (1500 or less) I like to to have two units of 20 Saurus; gives me a few more tactical options. I have run both ways but feel that...
Only if he using Lore of Fire :D
Unless otherwise specifically stated a magic banner only affects the unit in which it is in.
That is correct. Nerfed the spell a bit, which is good if you are a Lizardman who plays against many players who like using Death Magic.
Sorry was unclear. Say it goes 30", max distance, everything it touched along the way takes damage. If it stops on top a unit, it has to pop...
Lizards were my 1st Army adn will always be my favorite, secondary army is my Dwarves (if they every get their new book I will start playing them...
All models in its path as it moves. But they FAQ'd it to only do damage to where it stops. Now If it stops on top of a unit it pops out 1"...