Dont play DE so know exactly how it all went down other than after I used the Cube. He said he had dice left he did not use. He rolled. He took a...
I don't play DE and have only played against them a half a dozen times, so I am not 100% on the names of all their powers, but now that you say...
You will get all kinds of opinions on how to run these guys :) I personally run my SW 5x6 or 6x5 (if using spears). I run 2 blocks of those side...
Welcome Cthulhu As a HPLovecraft fan I never thought those words would come out of my mouth! :jawdrop: Any questions you may have about...
Giant Face Palm aside. You do not get the Frenzy on Shooting, Rock Drop or on the Stomps, so you would only be gaining in CC and in my personal...
Seriously lighten up. We are just throwing around ideas and having a bit of fun here no need to troll. We all cannot be master tactical...
I have never heard of it being played any other way that a dispel scroll that has the additional bonus ability of a 4+ chance to end the magic...
guys at my local are foregoing even putting out handlers and crews on War machines anymore. It just avoids arguments that inevitably arise from...
no sadly they can not it is at the regular Skinks BS
anyone using original scupts they have made? They reason I ask is I am sculpting my own Great Unclean One and Nurgglings.
He would be the same points as a Chief with the the Steg War Spear. :meh: There are some basic builds for LM that people know well and have...
How about putting the Skink BSB on an Ancient Steg? d6 Impact hits 4 S6 attacks (Steg) 8 S3 attacks (Crew) 3 S4 attacks (Chief) Plus the added...
I love the idea of a big block of Krox with a Hero carrying a magic banner. That would be a solid block of meat that could go toe-to-toe with...
I think is a great idea, would he be able to be used as a BSB?
I personally believe this is incorrect, and we can disagree all day long until an FAQ sets it straight ;) . I saw your post in the thread I...
I also do not think that was the intention of rule, I think it was an over sight due to the rarity of the Unique unit. And isn’t a named character...
It isnt, just funny to have a giant unit of frenzied S6 Skinks is all. I also put Tehenhauin in the unit to make it Unbreakable and S8 with Mind...
Can a character not be added to these units then? Sorry for thread hi-jack.
What other units, in any army, are classified as unique?
Yeah a proxy is in most cases fine for open play, but in league it has to at least resemble what it is supposed to be, no Skaven Slaves as...