Yup that is correct and that is why he was banned at my Local.
Follow up question to this - Does this item take a -1 for multi-shot. I can not remember, been ages since I used it.
He is best used in a Horde of SKROX with a booster shot of mind razor. :)
I hear a lot on both sides of the WYSIWYG debate. At my local it is only the 40k players that are die hard "If you dont have a Plasma Gun on the...
Also watch out for Third Eye, nothing worse than having your own Dwellers turned against you.
He was rolling well for winds of magic and had three channelers so he was holding 8+ dice each turn. He would roll two dice to pull out my dispel...
I don’t know I played my Daemons against a guy last night who was running his 2500pt Tourney List with Lord Kroak in a unit of 24 TG and he was...
Yeah they are considered a top tier army at my local, which is rubbish. They have even banned Tetto'eko a uncomming So Cal tourny.
Yeah it threw a curve to the 1st player, but after that people were figuring out how to deal with it. 1st up was LM that was running very fighty...
I always (95% of the time) run my Saurus 5x5 and my TG 6x4. Seems to work pretty well for me.
I used this tactic in Ard' Boyz: 2 Slanns (Life and Shadow) 150 Skinks 4 Stegs guarding the outside: 2 Stegs 2 Ancient Stegs Worked great...
I was thinking a Vampire Dwarf army would be kind of cool, the fluff being that a Vampire bit a Lord who went back to his hold and feasted and...
I like it, only edit I would make is work in a unit of Slalamanders. Otherwise looks like a nice list.
1. How many times I can use salamanders flame attack? Each Salamander can shoot flames one time each shooting phase. 2. Champions of units...
I would drop the Unfathomable Presence and possibly the Higher State of Consciousness on the Slann, he is in his bunker anything he gets his by,...
yes you can 100% poison a war machine, steam tank, greater daemons, etc. Just about everything but the Ogre Butcher is Susceptible to poison....
Forget the base just stick him in the middle of unit of TG and say he is ridding a Lo-Ridr Plaquin.
Everytime I have logged on over the past few days I have been getting this error "Sorry but you are not permitted to use the search system." when...
You could also put the 250 point skink Lord (Tehhttualimaniona - whatever his name is) in that unit and it makes them unbreakable, adds an extra...