Yeah I wouldn't bank on rolling quads either to build a warband around it :bag: I've had one game vs Iron Golems with Slann, Krox, Skinks and a...
Yep, after a quick google search that appears to be correct, nice! Also the Skink wizard-trio abilities is a Double so it won't compete with the...
I would say Guard Alpha is still a solid choice but not as clear cut as before. In the saurus category the Oldblood, Sunblood, Eternity Warden...
The Slann Leader Triple was really effective in Catacombs because of the walls, basically: Pick another friendly fighter within 12" of Slann....
New units and leaders for Seraphon in the grand alliance order-book! Some new recruits include: Slann, Oldbloods, Skink wizards, Kroxigor,...
How did the skink preform as opposed to the saurus in terms of damage output?
Lots of kitbashing here. Pyramids looks to be mostly dominion of sigmar-kits with addes seraphon-bits here and there. I see stegadon bits,...
Probably not but maybe some of the monsters will be available to field without riders, like they are in Total War. Could that be a thing? My...
It sort of ties in with the previous spawnings-rules/lore. I like list building and theorycrafting so I'm happy with the development of this thus...
Yeah it used to give a 5+ armor save IIRC (like heavy armor or riding an armored steed). Was great fun with scar-veteran cowboys. Give them a...
New errata for Warcry but no specific changes to our cards....
We might be lizards but they really are snakes! :p
I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding the strength/toughness system. When they decided to "dumb down" the old fantasy rules and replace it...
This might be easier :) Seraphon WARCRY: the thread
Pretty easy to zazz up a few normal saurus to make them stand out from the normal ones :) Good luck with the games! Tell us what you think of our...
Yeah there will be lots of praying to the dice gods for 5's and 6's for damage. :rolleyes: At least there's a good variety of units and some...
If they have different rules teams doing AoS and Warcry, then when they made the rules for Seraphon in Warcry they may have glanced at the current...
Don't think the Knight is a leader, it's missing the leader runemark (probably an oversight from GWs side so might get errata'd). My list thus...
More teasers, can't they just release it already!! :rolleyes: [IMG]
I took the liberty of inserting the abilities for Seraphon on 1d4chan. Rain Meteoric Barrage can't all be cleary read from the BoLS-video but you...