Looks like we're sharing at least three abilities with Untamed Beasts: Cold-blooded Commander (double), Train Meteoric Barrage (triple) and Wrath...
BoLS unboxing Warcry, Seraphon starting 4:37. [MEDIA]
I'm not too sure, granted I have only played a few games once, but isn't the quad quite universally applicable to most of our fighters? Or are...
Never underestimate GW's penchant for retconning previous lore to fit their current motives.
From the official GW AoS page on Facebook. Summary of the abilities from a guy that wrote them down in the comments: (2) Free disengage...
Little teaser for the quad-ability. [IMG]
With the supposed new coalesced, the notion of lizardmen/seraphon being rigid, emotionless and nearly robot-like, might be subject to change :)
It makes sense but at the same time it's a shame. I have two scar-veteran cowboys with great weapon from back when that was a thing. Would be nice...
Will there be only one card for each different type of unit? E.i. 1xSkink, 1xSaurus, 1xTerradon? I don't know how the previously released decks...
Isn't it in an awkward spot? Should be moved to the AoS forum too.
Since we'll soon be getting rules for our lovely lizards, I'd like to make a petition for a separate Warcry forum/subforum to discuss rumours,...
First of all, great job! It looks great! Second, so most were just normal paints mixed with the contrast medium?
Do they usually preview either AoS or 40K? Because like Nart said, I really think next thing out of the gates will be PA5 for T'au, GSC and Astra....
From Seraphon FB-page. May be as true or false as any rumour. A dual terrain kit sounds cool though! [ATTACH]
Pointy Elves beat us to previews over at warhammer community. :(...
At whichever point they decide to update the range there will be a point where both sculpts will co-exist. Maybe these Coalesced are a new type of...
Was the warscroll pack showed at LVO too or is that info from somewhere else?
Agreed, but sometimes less isn't more. They could've gone the extra mile to make something fitting but still"epic". I'm thinking the pillars from...
The base of the temple looks good: it got steps, it got vines, it got glyphs. Now I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth but the top part...
I'm guessing the GHB17 command traits and artifacts are valid for use in skirmish as well? In that case keeping the leader alive is always a...