3 weeks?! My last TK mini took 8 hours to paint!!! :eek: 20-25 figures gonna take at least 150-200 hours in this pace! o_O
In before conversion fodder for your Deathrattle army. :eek:
Promise me... that.. yo-... *cough* *cough* .... That you'll... paint them... nice-... ly... .. .....
When you put it like that. o_O Yeah, I need to pick this shit up now. Then I can die happy.
@Crowsfoot Well.... I still have two kidneys... could always sell one. :confused: No but really the battalion box and melee Ushabti I HAVE to...
I think the value would land around £165! Being able to get these sought after OOP models for a discounted price made me giggle like a school...
Not to undermine your painting but damn, those bases look slick! And the vampire lords paint job is fantastic, been on the fence about that model...
Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys ... GUYS!!! Shit can't believe what I just found at a game store in a nearby town close to where my...
Looks amazing! Like the paint job was made for Mr. Kroak!
@Jorgik Yeah, more or less! Wanted to dull down most of the colors since he would have quite a bit of gold on him (also, a wash I did came out...
This shit is so on point! "Fucking rats in my back yard again... :rolleyes: *disintigrate* " Also love those vine clad pillarthings!
Love it! Especially the basing movement trays actually :p Gotta give us some closer pictures mate!
Damn, I love me some purple-ish pink lizards! They look really good actually!
@mousekiller Thanks a lot, I love the model in itself so much so pretty much guaranteed to be a success for me! If I ever manage to glue both of...
Gonna be a little while until the next update :oops: Gonna go visit my long distance girlfriend on Monday and be gone for 2-3 weeks, wont be able...
I love the paint job on the stegadon, it ties together with the howdah Skinks excellently!
Nice! A very unique paint job, I like it alot! Thinking how I'm gonna paint my own (when I get it) and this definitely gave me some ideas! Btw,...
@Crowsfoot FUCK YES! That one is one of my favorite minis in the entire 'Death' faction! Trying to keep it in my pants but it's difficult..
Coming from you I could never dispute this! xD Yeah I just checked them out! I'm so fucking excited! Be sure to paint them really nicely and...
Oh god yes, I was really thinking about picking up some Skeleton Horde alongside my TK's and you doing this really makes me more pumped to do it!...