@Jorgik I didn't even include everything, and now I'm thinking about picking up the Start Collecting Skeleton Horde box. o_O Gluttony is...
@Toltecatl Much appreciated friend! Nice question, got tons of stuff that needs painting but it's all basically up to the mood I'm in at the time!...
@Jorgik You sure were! ;) @Crowsfoot Did a similar transitional effect as I did with the cloth but accidentally added too much bright blue so I...
I love the way you paint these, the colors give such an odd yet nice contrast to the brute giant! Looks like it's a blast to paint! Keep up the...
@Bowser Thank you very much! Tried the effect on another waste mini first and wanted to do the glowing cloth before as well but a few misguided...
Spooky scary updates~~~ Tomb Kings was constant pipe dream during my childhood, I loved the more expensive models but I didn't have the skills...
@n810 Damn, that's some high end stuff! Getting some of that is definitely on my bucket list from now on :D @Acrocanth Thanks mate! Really happy...
@Jorgik The seller recommended Galeforce Nine very strongly and it seems like he was not wrong in doing so! As I said before, I'm really looking...
@Jorgik Will neither confirm nor deny that, but it sure is a halberd! ;) @n810 It's a really nice cast! They look super good in metal with that...
@Crowsfoot Haha god damnit. It's my mousepad btw. The shadow came out nicely on it :p Got some pretty sweet OOP Lizzies in the mail yesterday!...
Spoiler on things to come. :cool: [img]
Thanks for the heads up before I begin painting mine! ;)
@n810 Thanks a bunch mate! Really happy with how all of them turned out! The purple one might lead to similar paint jobs in the future,...
I would like to increase my Colossi from 3 to 4 for conversion reasons :oops: Gotta have a full vanilla pack of 3 and then one extra that I can...
The green color you have it looks so natural and nice! Great job!
Finished my converted Skink Chief yesterday, really happy with how it turned out! Got a Skink spear with an added Chief blade, a shield from the...
@Crowsfoot It's sort of like what I do with my body, people will see it and might have opinions but in the end of the day it's me who have to live...
@Bracnos Thanks man, appreciate it! @Bowser Never actually played the game, so I've never painted my models with really high contrast to look...
Hello friends, actually have some lizards for you today! Finished up 3 Skinks that I had started on a while ago and I'm pretty happy with how all...
Man I've been thinking about how to paint my Khorgoroth but that gave me so much inspiration! Not sure where to say thank you or say fuck you for...