Maybe try to go a bit further with the contrast on the howdah? Agree with n810 about it looking a bit unpainted from more than half a meter away....
Man that Banshee looks soooo good, the full ethereal color scheme REALLY worked well! I've been thinking about picking up the Wight King would...
@Warden Haha thanks mate, glad you liked them! Gonna see if I will be able to finish another during the weekend! ;) Btw, just checked out your...
I managed to pick up a few extremely cheap pieces myself, such a treat <3
Keep us updated. :D
@Nakai Actually, would you mind if I tried out this conversion in the future? It really inspired me!
I think he reversed the order of the fingers as well, looks like it at least. Stellar job anyway!
Lovely conversion! I see that you used the Saurus Oldblood tail and left leg from the Carnosaur kit but which right leg where you using? Love all...
Gonna try some edge work with my Blazing Orange, thanks for the tip <3 @Bowser I mainly did it as practice with red armor but yeah, liked how it...
@Crowsfoot Started working my red a bit towards orange for some of the highlights but I maybe should've gone the whole way haha, like the blood...
OHHH! It was you who I stole the purple and green paint job from, damn, when I finish the dude I'm gonna give you a shout out! Sorry. :/ Looks...
NON-LIZARDMEN POST INCOMING! Picked up some REALLY cheap GW miniatures at my regional equivalent of Ebay from the Age of Sigmar starter set and...
I can't handle the amount of talent in this forum! The veins look absolutely amazing, liking your work more and more for each post!
@Crowsfoot Oh that's such a good idea! Like a battalion of french Lizards :p I'm definitely gonna experiment with a fading color scheme some more,...
The green in those wings really please my eyes, they look so damn vibrant! Don't really like painting wings but I adore that color. How is the...
@n810 I really like the purple one as well! Too bad that it lost it's arm (was really happy with the paint job on the weapon also :( ), I'll...
Back again! Had to disappear for a while since my long distance girlfriend came to visit me! Have experimented with some Skinks the last few as...
Holy fucking shit that Slann! Saved the threat for the future! Sweet work Jorqik! Really looking forward to seeing how those trees gonna end up!
Damn, more stuff I gotta buy :P Those mantic mixed with GW parts look so crisp!
Makes you think about all cool things you could do with REALLY tiny LEDs, awesome work mate!