Thanks alot man :) next up is 24 skinks with javelins.[ATTACH]
I have finally finished my first unit of saurus warriors guys thank you for all the advice and pro tips, here they are enjoy.
They sound mean aprly suited name cant wait to try it finally finished my first unit as of 2 minutes ago.
Hey guys still trying to wrap my head around terminology what is a saurus cowboy?
Definitely will give that a go thanks crowsfoot il update as i go!
Yeh i like the variety in lizardmen :) Thanks man that makes me feel good still got the eyes teeth and claws to go i will give the heavy wash to...
Thanks mate and i will keep you updated throughtout the process ill be attempting skinks after my saurus. I do like the gw scheme as well.
Single model up close. [ATTACH] Criticism is welcomed :)
[ATTACH] So far the unit and the shields i havent been too creative if anything im going somewhat textbook.[ATTACH]
Thanks alot guys ill definetly take that advice on board about the shields and bases. I love the support on this forum and im loving the...
Hey everyone. I am fairly new to warhammer however did paint lord of the rings as a teenager when they were released, ive decided to dive into a...
Keep it up grimlock looking real bad asss cant wait for the finished model mate
Very nice mate they kind of remind me of killer croc from the arkham games. I will definitely buy a set or two once you can get the ball rolling :)
Hey team. I rang my local store and he is almost certain the issue is just a rebasing from sqaure to round release for the box sets, woo thank...