They are false gods! Do not fall for their fancy artwork and propaganda fellow children of the true old ones!
...At long last ;_;
Mice and Mystics might be good for you :) I saw it first via "Table Top" on Youtube. That's a...
If you ever have to do it again, I had good success by not gluing the Slann to the pole and sticking the pole (with the bottom peg removed) into a...
I really hope there's a 2017 comp! I had great fun with the last one :) Oh! I should probably mention that the Krox arrived a little while ago....
Now that does look fancy :)
I would say yes, it can be improved in that way. The +1 rules don't reduce the hit roll needed, instead it literally adds 1 to the result of the...
A way I find that works is to paint five or so in one go in a batch. That way you get a few done quickly that can be used to play amongst the...
I like to make sure that I keep a uniform paint scheme across all my models. Every monster, Lizatrad, and Weapon need to be painted with the same...
All remaining units keep the buff :)
Another little detail from what you said, you don't actually have to declare the unit you are charging into. You simply declare a charge and see...
It is good with its sweeping ability. In practice though It relly only shines against horde-style armies (like the Scaven), I often find that...
Ah! Just had another scan through and your right, none the less they still cost points to place for a non-Sylvaneth army. The points now just come...
That's right :) Sorry if my explanation was a little confusing XD
That number is referring to how many "models" can be in a unit of WWs. One "model" of WW consists of upto 3 Citadel woods. A player can have as...
There has actually been a revision on the rules. The Wild Woods now cost 40 points from the summing pool :) However, if your opponent has a...
AOS tends to be "rules a written" I had a look at the battalion rules and there is nothing about deaths in the battalion causing it to break up....
I'm probably missing some special rule, but can't you only cast a specific spell once per turn in matched play?
I would love to help if only I had the time D: If you still need someone by mid-December I might be able to something though. I hope you manage to...
You only get to place the toad in your first hero phase sadly (one per ripper unit you have in your main list, regardless of if it's in the clouds...