Personly I think the old sail-backs look WAY better than the current offerings. Saying that, a new set of beautiful Woogity Salamanders would be a...
Now you have no excuse to not get painting ;)
Well, thanks for the help :) I ended up winning two out of four matches, landing my in a respectable (I think) 5th out of ten players. Not too...
I don't think they have been given out right now. The winners haven't been officially announced yet :)
Thanks for the feedback guys! The plan with the extra points was to summon replacement gaurd if needed or to summon a Razerdon or salamander....
Hello everyone! I have a question to ask all you list building gods about the new alliance abilitys, and which alliance I should choose. To...
I'm sure we can all wait :) get the important stuff done first!
Thank you @NIGHTBRINGER ! I glad people liked the effect :) Its actually embracingly simple, I just painted a circle using Yreil Yellow and then...
Yay! Thanks @Bowser :D I can believe I (might have) finally won one of these things! I'm honestly still surprised a couple I voted for didn't do...
Argh! I just want to know who I voted for XD The wait is torture!!
Amazing! Kind of makes me want to get into blood Bowl :)
Seams like you had some pretty bad luck :( The shops I've been to have always been friendly and have never really pushed buying things on me.
XD Oh well :) That just means more Jungle swarms!
Yes. You get them as extras in a number of kits :) I think they are from the Cold Ones box. They're not the "official" jungle swam model, but I'm...
There is a thread will all the points here: Hope it helps :)
Worth the wait! But saying that, I thought this evening was bad, the next month will be torture waiting for the results :S Well done everyone,...
Keep us posted Nightbringer. I dare not navigate away from the contest page :D
Sees multiple staff online at once...REFRESHING INTENSIFIES!!!