Super glue tends to hold well. Not as well as plastic glue mind, what with its tendency to snap on smaller parts if you pull too hard. If you...
I tend to paint the area I'm going to glue. This helps with any gaps that might show up for being all horrible and plasticky. As for what glue to...
Thank you very much!
I'm going to try! Although looking at my local GW the Stormcast are going to steam roll and win every fight they battle in..
I'm probably running on outdated info it seams...Listen to @Bowser, not me XD
Welcome! You have a pretty nice collection already! 1: The main tip for Seraphon is probably that synergy is EVERYTHING! Most armies can cobble...
I have plenty of space on there :) It will probably stay up indefinitely XD
Here you go @BAE!6182&authkey=!ADXKiSH1cjxMCB4&ithint=folder%2cjpg
Very nice background there ;) Can't wait to see everyone's finished!
It might be a Dewback? You could probably find some old star wars toys online to make a pretty awesome thing like that!
Are those...doom wheel parts!? XD
That's awesome! I wish they would bring back the tiny minis. That art looks like it could be done well with stegodon parts and a toy dino.
Reserved for future use :)
Hello everyone! Over on my painting blog I've been trying out a new way to show off my minis, 3D scanning! So, if you want to produce things like...
You have put me to shame sir! I love the heads you sculpted, I could never get that much fiddly details with the horns!
This is all so awesome! I love the idea of using the Troglodon's spit glob as a mid-cast spell. I'll have to use that at some point in the future :D
Oh! I'll have to go give your stuff another look :)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you like my Troglodon, he's probably my favorite too ;) I recommend everyone tries to make some chameleons like...
XD yeah I keep noticing it on models as well. maybe there are some zelda fans in the GW offices :)
123D Catch is the one :)