Its part of a battalion I believe? He rolls a dice for every unit within a certain distance 1-3 +6 to the spell range 4-6 +1 MW
Apologies, i misread it for a priest! That makes much more sense!
A bastiladon or two will give you some great options in the future, they really make an army very durable! May I ask what the priest is for? with...
I have to echo the others, our army really relies on synergies which that list is lacking. Personally my play style is counter attacking, what do...
I think with #2 you'll struggle with board control a lot but you'll be in the game until the end, I've been having a lot of joy with a...
I could barely justify the money on 4 Dons as it is! lol unfortunately I don't have any sallies either. Engine's role is primarily a MW output, I...
That's the feeling I'm leaning towards to tbh, trying to work out maximising lists is tough!
Hi All, Been running this list lately with a lot of sucess (one loss in 9 games): Slann, Great Rememberer Starseer, Incandescent Retrices *...
Khorne players are always impatient!
And the d6 mortal wounds doesn't need line of sight, get for sniping small support characters who tend to have 4-6 wounds
It can be fun to use, but I tend to take it with a slann and a starseer. Put curse of fates on it, with the extra dice and re-rolls it gives you...
I've played with a list like this before and even with movement trays it gets boring moving that many models fast!
I get that but when did something in a battletome and not in the FAQ's become the rules for anything outside that battletome? That's what I'm...
Apparently because its the same weapon on all of them you roll 2d6 x 4 but I can't find this rule anywhere..........?
That's what I thought.....
So this popped up in a podcast and I would like some clarification: In a unit of 4 Razordons do I roll 2d6 x 4 shots or 8d6?
If we got it I could imagine giant balls of energy or mini-suns, that would be pretty cool!
It certainly needs a FAQ......again! Your Heavenswatch needs 2 of priests or starpriests to work btw
So what are peoples thoughts about the change? [IMG] If anything I feel it's better than it was before: Advantages: Double movement-...
It's a really flexible list, I just need to practise more with it and with the change to the engine makes it work even better now