Yes you can, you're welcome! Haha time to start thinking about the units we don't use, especially if there are point drops
Too expensive for objective holders, I'd go for a block of 15. Also invest in a skink priest to get you rerolling your saves :)
Have a skink alpha on the stegadon, teleport then use the d6 movement. Closer for the flame throwers and charge and also rerolling 1s to hit
I think we'll see point drops mostly for us lizards, looking forward to seeing what the new rules of 1 are like!
And if you go order and not seraphon you can use the battle trait too!
Any model in your army can be the general, just can't use artefacts...
Or i might swap an engine out for another stegadon....
You're right! For some reason i though it was 3-9! I do see your point about the Slann but i thought i'd give myself a bit more of a challenge,...
Posted this in a reply to another thread but thought I'd stick it here too: I think I've come up with my list for GT final, not expecting to get...
So further to this discussion I think I've come up with my list for GT final, not expecting to get massively high up the rankings but should be...
Still 15 odd wounds is decent a turn!
Btw how are they pumping out 80 shots?
I was thinking of 2 EotG's for mortal wound output and the skinks to hit lighter targets. Possibly with a small shadowstrike with chameleon skinks...
I was actually thinking about something like this the other day but in a heavenswatch starhost instead!
It was horrible, sylvaneth are easily the most broken army out there need no synergy whatsoever!
So my partner got changed last min so I had Sylvaneth as an ally, his list was: Treelord ancient Drycha 3 hunters with bows 10 dryads 5 revenants...
Last game I played against them I took one down with a double carnosaur attack in a bloodclaw starhost, game them both 2 extra jaw attacks and...
Whoops forgot to put in that it's a heavenwatch starhost, thinking a second skink priest may work better than the star priest, lots of re-rolls on...
So throwing a few ideas around today and came up with an interesting list I think! c&c's welcome: 10 x guard 200 10 x guard 200 5 x guard 100...
I killed skaabrand with a unit of 10 in one round of shooting once so they can be very effective, good for killing wizards who have low...