I think the re-roll 1's is more for the other units, it allows them to target something else whilst your flyers go after a unit
How about: Skink priest 10x skinks 10x skinks 5x chameloens 5x chameleons EotGs Stegadon ??
Believe it or not this is the first 1000pt list I've ever done, anyone want to share some of their more successful lists?
Not much I can do about the priest tbh but i need him for the serpent staff and mystic shield/summon starlight
Hi all I have a doubles tournament coming up and would like thoughts on this list: Scar vet on cold one (100) legendary fighter, relic blade...
It only applies to what's in the starter box so afraid not, all battalions will tell you what has to go in them for you to be able to use it e.g....
Everything, the SKINK keyword is for the whole model. :)
I run all my skinks with boltspitters and clubs, I've had a few games where the clubs have won me objectives either holding on to them or mopping...
This is my list i took to the GT, very similar to yours! Personally I went for the oldblood on carno instead of the bastiladon, i think there's a...
I heard rumours of a new battletome when I went to the GT.... but I think we'll see others first. Though if GW keep going at the pace they are it...
Nice list, the one change you might want to make is have the scar vet on cold one as your general, he has a command ability whereas the starpriest...
I always start with a 6, your opponent will think you wouldn't be so crazy so go for 4 or 5 instead in my experience. Depending on my opponent I...
So how have you found this list thus far??
what do you tend to have in your list?
For me it has to be an eternity starhost with a skink priest, unless your opponent can dish out a high mortal wound count they are almost...
Looking at putting my army down in one drop which rules the skinks out, wanted an eternity warden in the but would have to lose the sunblood plus...
I need at least 3 units in the bloodclaw starhost to take it
One of the new rules yes he can but it's a 'change' not a re-roll so you can make him roll it again. However you can never re-roll a re-roll
So throwing a few ideas around and how is this for a one drop army: Bloodclaw starhost (100): Old blood on Carnosaur (320) Quicksilver potion...
star seer will be seeing a lot more love after the new tzeentch battletome has come out!