Well, you did bet me a 100$, and you're refusing to pay up. That makes you either a cheat or a liar. I'll let you take your pick, I'm good with...
So, while you're not a cheat, you're definitely a liar? That doesn't help your case for it happening "magically" at all, you know.
I'm just checking, but are you saying I won't be getting my 100$?
While I agree that it isn't technically cheating, I do however take a bit of issue with some of the things you just said. So it wasn't your...
Yeah, if you're going to advise your opponent, it should be genuine. Otherwise just keep your mouth shut and let them play the game. Yikes.
Another batch of D'n'D miniatures are coming up, so I didn't want to start anything too time consuming. I've been trying out the purple sun in my...
Finally finished with the move, and had some time to paint again. So I finished up 3 Terradons. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Photographs are a bit...
I am by no means an expert, but I would probably do something like this: Leader: Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur, w/ Gryphfeather charm....
Seems likely they are from the same region - Red crests on the skinks and all! Finally hit the finish line with the EotG. Looking forward to...
Finally finished the howdah! I'm starting to realize that I like painting things with... Character? Basically, things that are alive are fun....
So I finally finished the stegadon for my EotG. I had to strip it halfway through my first attempt, because my glazing attempts had ended up...
Off to a great start - Let's see that palanquin too! ^^
It is. He's been credited for it earlier, but we are very priviledged that he is willing to share ^^
Thanks ^^ The skink skin: Basecoat Baharroth Blue. Shade all over with a mix of 2:1 Lahmian Medium and Temple Guard Blue. Recess shade with Coelia...
Of the top of my head, a simple way of doing that looks like: Basecoat of Rhinox Hide or Dryad Bark Shade with Agrax Earthshade. Edge highlight...
I'm not sure about the plastic glue. I seem to remember hearing that it doesn't work. PVC glue is what I usually use, as super glue can sometimes...
Bit of a setback on the engine of the gods, unfortunately. Tried something new - And it just did not work, in an absolutely spectacular fashion....
Finally finished the Slaan! It turned out alright, but I really dislike how... Textured? the resin feels. Anywas, on to plastics once more!...
Palette : I really enjoy using blues, in all its shades. Everything from Turqoise to Midnight blue is fair game. I like sandy browns and gold too,...
Really stoked to hear you liked the spines so much @TrevBot :D Been away from the brushes for awhile. Other stuff to keep me busy, but I've been...