TL;DR - should i teach my friends WAP or 8th edition in a casual/narrative focused group sorry for the rant like structure of the post its...
Congrats @JTSleep! an absolutely gorgeous piece like that deserved the win!
Everyone made fantastic entires! Best of luck to everyone!
Haha ya I sometimes get a little too focused on my work
got my Dread Saurian the other day. glued it together and greenstuff'd some gaps left by the previous owner and left it over night. started...
welcome to the jungle! love the name Bubo
Oh shit I forgot too. Thank you!
My jungle base for my atm WIP troglodon. the skink oracle will sit on the rock beside the crystals. In my armies fluff Celestite is a blue magical...
my dad taught me the basics of fantasy something like 10 years ago but i took a really long break from warhammer in middle and early high school....
In the case of shit cast (fine cast) what would be the best to use? Is LA’s still good for them? More worried since their so fragile compared to...
ya i think i should just keep them sealed for now since they're so rare sealed. gonna try to find a few metal ones on ebay to add to my growing...
to open, or not to open. that is the question. 2 sealed oop metal terradons [ATTACH]
Oh damn that would be sweet. I’m assuming they won’t be available for official play and only for friendly matches. Has there been a confirmed...
What would TOW mean? Haven’t heard that abbreviation yet
Haha thanks! I’ve been here since 2018. Just been stalking more than actually posting/commenting. But coming back to the hobby after like 2 years...
my cat being silly is the reason i procrastinate [ATTACH]
My Saurus Warriors colour schemes. tried to show a bit of an evolution through out the ages by adding different colours to the newer...
Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games! starting a blog to show off my painting and basing. might help me get out of my rut and work on my...
ive been following this for a bit and love all the paint schemes shown off so far! out of curiosity, how does someone enter the competition? is it...
I returned after a while and found that a bunch of older units are no longer even playable and have been completely expunged from the rules. I...