True, they did show their crueler sides from time to time, though as you said, not nearly as much as in 40k (Which isn't really saying a lot,...
In the lore? Well, they're less disposable then, say the Vampire Counts. There ARE a lot of them, but they're still rather limited in number...
I wouldn't be. The more Stormcast are released, the less love the other, not poster boy factions get.
Bleh, no. I'm just saying, if they took it down a route like that, interesting a path as that would be from a story perspective, we'd probably...
I would rather like it if, later on, we get a bit of a twist, where the Stormcast perform some sort of act for the purpose of stopping Chaos at...
I said we can tolerate it, not that we have to like it. AoS has it's flaws, but so did Fantasy, so does 40k, and so has every other Wargame since...
I think the general consensus is we like the way the rules have changed, or can at least tolerate it, but despise the way the fluff has been...
Still use Oxyotl in friendly games, since my buddies don't have a problem with me running him as if he has Keyword Seraphon. He's not to bad....
I do rather miss our old Fantasy faction names, though I guess GW really wanted those delicious trademarked names. I'm still going to laugh every...
Just you watch, now someone's going to try and build themselves a big temple pyramid, filled with all manner of engravings and architecture and...
I feel like I have to spend more time on Ebay collecting older models then I do getting stuff at GW, these days. I have far to many metal lizards....
The dislike of Tau isn't terribly prevalent anymore these days, and much of it is mostly in jest. Everyone hates every army they don't play in...
Many people are also still salty about all the tournaments they lost to Fish of Fury back in....4th edition, I think it was?
Well, insofar as how they are organized, and their origins: We aren't entirely aware as to their origins as a species. We simply know that a sort...
Sorry, was at work. I am unsure as to how a lack of Ethereals would effect the Enclave, as I do not play Tau, but I can say with a fair degree of...
Now, as for the schism. I believe you mean the early strife, before the Tau properly formed, so I'll act on that one. Again, to provide some...
Well, to provide a bit of context, Farsight was an exceedingly brilliant Tau military commander. He studied directly under Puretide, widely...
Well, is there anything in particular you'd like to know about? Would be happy to answer. Also, to answer your question, I don't believe that...
Why get a cat or a dog when you can get a pet lizard? #ReptileMasterRace. But yeah, if I had to choose, would go for dogs. While this has probably...
Not got much to do today. I'm tempted to give you one of those for every race, but I feel like that might be a bit overkill. Do let me know if you...