Crowsfoot answered before, but I'll give a somewhat longer answer to the matter. In the long term, he had actually intended, if memory serves, to...
You've got it half right. Orks are.....weird. They're not so much all psykers, so much as they have absurd psychic power as a collective. Ork...
Eh, I'd say they're still pretty dead. The Kharadron are similar, but still different. And while one of them is making an appearance in...
Euuuuuuugghhh, but moving on, I feel like, as a general rule, long time players of Fantasy for the most part (There are some exceptions, don't...
Hm, that's the cover from our 5th edition rulebook, isn't it? Guess this is around the time it was released. Good to know.
They're great for tying up big monsters, as others have said. Buffed up with a mystic shield, and the celestial rite of skink priests, they have a...
Can't really hate the Imperiums fluff to much myself, since it's basically intended to be a ridiculously over the top misery fest (The fanbase...
Yeah, was thinking of trying to make a Dispossessed army, get my hands on some of the older metal models. Thorgrim seems ungodly expensive on Ebay...
Oh yeah, is this where I'd want to put questions like these, or would these go elsewhere, like Seraphon Discussion?
Kind of wish they'd stop giving the Stormcast so much love and give us a couple of books or something. I get that our mysterious origins and goals...
The Beastmen never really had the spotlight on them in WFB era, no, and it's been ages since I last saw Beastmen focused on as the main...
Will see if I can dig them out of storage later, though I've stopped playing them much lately so I'm rather unsure as to where I'm keeping them....
Well, this ought to be fun. Out of curiosity, what do you guys play, outside of our glorious Reptilian Overlords? I have sizeable Brayherd and...
Would hardly be opposed to migrating the Tomb Kings here. Most of the old forums for stuff like the Tomb Kings have more or less gone dark (Not to...
The title, more or less. What are the Sunbloods? I'd kind of assumed them to perhaps be the only surviving Saurus from the Endtimes, since that...
I'd assumed that most went to Shadespire to acquire magical artifacts that could be found there. Or the "Gold" may be Ur-gold, who knows. And...
I'm looking forward to it. There's been a demo in our local GW store for a couple of days, and it's pretty fun to play. Sick of Sigmarines and...
Mm, please do. Sounds that it'll be an interesting game. Is a he fielding a similar army composition, like an army of Bloodreavers and a...
As most people have already said, Skinks greatest assets are their mobility and flexibility. They're generally poor melee combatants, and they'd...
Hm, quite like that idea, actually. Purples and reds would go quite well with the Skink Blue. Thanks for the help!