I find that a Bastiladon, especially buffed up with Priestly Rites, Arcane Shield, and possibly Starlight, are quite good for keeping a big scary...
It seems pretty obvious now that they're phasing out the old metal models now that the GHB 2 is out huh? I mean, it's pretty obvious they wanted...
The question is basically the thread title. I more or less ran my skink chief for his command ability, i.e. a +1 to attack for one keyword SKINK...
I would say that I'll probably want to focus on the wings as the focal point, since they're the most obvious part of the Coatl, and, I imagine,...
So, I recently acquired (Found at a garage sale actually, along with an old tenehuini model, which was pretty cool) a old metal coatl model, and...
People usually take the chameleons with the intention of using them in concert with the ripperdactyls early on to snipe an important, but...
I'd agree with you on this, but only up to a certain point. If Old Oog's tribe invented submachine guns, then that doesn't mean Grunk's tribe, who...
As I understand it, after talking with his girlfriend, he basically took the two weeks off from work, cleaned out all the paints he needed from...
A friend of mine, a day or two after their models were properly released, went into hiding for about a week and a half. When he reemerged, he bore...
Huh, maybe I should drop by Canadian Tire. Will probably save me having to buy one of those painfully expensive GW boxes.
Could probably use the old Tichi Huichi Skink Horned One riders, from Dogs of War.
The Bastiladon's not a bad tank normally, but he really shines with a bit of buffing. Put a mystic shield on him, so he's got a 2+ save, then use...
I've played a few lizardman characters in tabletops before, namely pathfinder and D&D, and I remember one in particular fondly, whom I simply...
Doubt we'll be seeing any attention for a while, at the very least until after 40k 8th edition settles down somewhat. Feels like they're pushing...
All Hail the mighty Hyp'noh'tode, greatest of the Slann!
I don't particularly like AoS lore, but I can tolerate it, because I know that for now it's in its infancy. What we're faced with right now as far...
So, I'm thinking of acquiring a model for a steal on ebay (Thing's still damn expensive, but it saves me $80+ instead of ordering off of...
Oh, really? Good to know.
But I imagine that there are no Spawning pools floating through space with the Temple Pyramids, what with the pyramids being in Azyr, yes? Then...
But aren't the Saurus all dead? Like, thousands of years dead?