Indeed. Also, one might want to avoid sending the chameleons and ripperdactyls in immediately if the target of the attack is close to cavalry or a...
As far as what to aim for, I'd say important mages, Like a Lord of Change are good targets, since they are fairly easy to kill as opposed to big...
Awwww, they do? That's a buzzkill. Still, that + the chameleons + it's other attacks can do a lot of damage.
I think the ideal strategy, as far as I'm aware essentially amounts to: Take a Shadowstrike Starhost with a unit of Ripperdactyls and two units of...
Yeah, I feel like he'd be used much more often if he had priestly trappings, or at least a somewhat better command ability. Right now, it feels...
Yeah, didn't so much mean your game (Some ripperdactyls may have been able to get at the hellcannons, but I know you couldn't have prepared for...
I imagine a shadowstrike could probably handle a fair number of Hellcannons fairly proficiently, provided it includes chameleon skinks and...
I feel like a generalized rule that allows for certain ranged units to snipe, and certain melee models to challenge specific models in combat...
Might have to go on an excursion to the mall to acquire some nail polish remover, but otherwise sounds like it'd work Nightbringer. Thanks!
So, basically, I recently acquired an old oxyotl model. He came to me in pretty bad shape (Neither of the arms were properly in their sockets,...
Well yes, but given the option between taking Tehenhauin or a skink priest, which would you say is the overall better character? Also, I intend to...
Would he be worth running if not as a general though? I have both of the old skink chief models, so It's not really a problem of who I have or...
So, I'm going to be acquiring a Tehenhauin model soon, and I'm wondering what all your opinions are on his rules? He's 20 points cheaper then a...
So I was about to start building a box of skinks, and I'm finding myself torn about how to equip them. So, how do you all equip them? Do you like...
Great article. The idea with the Balewind seems hilarious, and fun. As far as summoning goes, I feel like finding that perfect balance is nearly...
Alright, thanks
*Cough* Bit of a stupid question, but how does one pm on this forum? Is it the Start a Conversation button on people's profile?
Ahhh, so it was a tablet. That makes more sense XD
As far as the entire thing goes, there was the model (Obviously) with the ceremonial knife, and the heart held aloft. On the base, from what I've...
Yeah, his rules aren't that great now either. He's mostly outdone by normal skink priests. I mostly want him to play him as a skink priest, since...