Yeah, I imagine that's because the model hadn't been out of production for to long at that point, if it was at all. There was one a week ago for...
Yeah, I live within about 10 mins drive of a one man store. It's basically the same as the one Ritual's describing, 40k on one side, AoS and WFB...
I checked ebay, yeah. The only one that's shipping internationally is about £90, which is way to much, no matter how much I want the model. Maybe...
Hey guys, was wondering if anyone knew of a site or store that's selling the Tehenhauin, Prophet of Sotek model? I've been having a royal pain...
I dunno, bury it in boltsplitter attacks and then throw a dread saurian at it? The Saurian basically has preferred enemy: Monster, which the...
So I was looking at all the monstruorum arcanum or whatever it's called, and just realized that we still have Dread Saurians around. So I was...
Ahh, I see. Good to know. Thanks again for the assistance.
Oh, I do believe your right. Thanks for the help!
Oh, thanks for the fast response. I quite like the second list, though the first one seems good as well. Out of curiosiy, would you say putting...
So, I just started Age of Sigmar, and thought I'd make my first army Seraphon. However, I'm not a particularly competitive player, and I wanted to...